Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cosmetic Eye Whitening

Yep, you read that right - cosmetic eye whitening. Sounds kind-a freaky doesn't it....

People with chronic red or discolored eyes now have a surgical option. A new cosmetic eye whitening procedure, which surgically removes the outer membrance (conjunctiva) that covers the white part of the eye and contains blood vessels, has emerged.

Dr. Boxer Wachler, the developer of the technique, calls it I-Brite. It takes approximately 20 minutes, is painless (using numbing drops) and results are permanent. The conjunctiva is removed and over the following two weeks, a clear membrane naturally grows back in its place. Once the tissue is removed, it doesn't grow back with blood vessels.

Hmmmm....for more detailed info click the link above or go to and look for The Aesthetic Guide March/April 2010 issue.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow! who woulda thunk it?