Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April is Stress Awareness Month

Stress awareness month, heh.... I definitely had my fill of stress this month! I recently read an article about how to feel better when you're stressed and thought I would share some of the tips:

1. Calm Down: Before anything else, calm yourself down. Do not panic. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

2. Feed Your Mind with Positive Thoughts: it's easy to fall into a vicious cycle of negative thoughts - break the cycle. Feed your mind with positive thoughts - read spiritual texts, motivational books or inspiring quotes.

3. Remember Good Things: remember the good things in your life, remember the good people around you.

4. Look at the Big Picture: put the stressful event in context.

5. Believe that Everything will be OK: what you believe has a big effect on you - if you think things will go wrong, they just might. On the other hand, if you think things will be OK, they just might.

6. Exercise: exercise relieves the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

7. Forgive: Forgive yourself or someone else.

8. Take Action: Things won't get better if you do nothing.

9. Say Something Positive: Whenever you are about to say something negative, stop yourself and take a deep breath and make it positive.

10. Think About Other People: Take the focus away from yourself. Think about other people and how you can help them.

(Thanks to Dermascope for including that in the April 2010 issue.)

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