Monday, February 4, 2008

Does your shampoo cause acne?

Did you know that the ingredient that gives shampoos that pearlized look can contribute to acne? Yes, they can! So, if you have longer hair and are experiencing breakouts on your back and/or shoulders, try switching to "clear" shampoos.

Speaking of styist recommends only shampooing twice a week - especially if you color your hair. Use a hair powder to absorb the excess oil on your non-shampooing days. I like Bumble & Bumble hair powder - it comes in different shades to match your color.


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I came across your blog. You seem to be a VERY experienced esthetician. I must tell you what recently happened to me.

Yesterday I went to my normal salon I go to but saw a different esthetician. I went in for an eyebrow wax and came out looking like a raccoon!!!

It was burning a lot more yesterday. That has decreased. However, the redness has not gone down and it hurts to move my eyebrows. I am concerned there might be permanent damage and scarring. I am applying Neosporin a few times a day.

Faces are a first impression. I am in PR and I am extremely worried and depressed about this!

What do you think?

Phaedra said...


Sorry to hear about your waxing experience. Are you using any skin care products that contain AHA's or retinol? When using these types of exfoliating products, you should discontinue using them a few days prior to your waxing appointment as they can make the skin more sensitive. If you are using these types of products, you should avoid them until you are healed. Find a gentle cleanser to use in the meantime.

If you're not using these types of products, it could be that the temperature of the wax was too high for your skin.

I typically recommend using a small amount of Polysporin (as long as you're not allergic to any of the ingredients) as I have seen Neosporin cause a rash after repeated use. Keep the area clean and free of makeup until it is healed.

Try to stay out of the sun as well. The inflammatory process can cause hyperpigmentation and sun exposure can increase the chances of this happening.

Let me know how you do.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I am pretty concerned about not being able to move my eyebrows. I am very expressive. Hoping that goes away...

Yikes! I do use differin but I quite like almost 2 weeks before my wax.

This woman used baby powder and my normal gal doesn't. Wondering if that caused it???!!!???

Thanks again!

Phaedra said...


The inflammation is most likely making it difficult to move your eyebrows and it should get better as the inflammation goes down.

Using baby powder is pretty common when using soft wax (your regular girl may use hard wax which does not require the use of powder). The powder is meant to keep the wax from sticking to the skin too much. If you were having a reaction to the powder, it would be more like a rash than a burn.

Does the area your referring to have a slight shine to it when you don't have any neosporin on it? If so, it is likely that the upper layer of skin was removed during the wax either from a high wax temp or skin sensitivity from the Differin. How long have you been using the Differin?

Anonymous said...

It was weird. The temp was not that hot. Yes, it does have a shine to it with and without the Neosporin. I have been on Differin for about 2 yrs. but have never had this problem with my other lady.

Can the hard wax be pulled with a cloth because my lady uses a cloth.

Worst part about this whole thing, is I am at a conference in TX for my company and I am soooooooooo embarassed!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Phaedra!

I've been going nuts trying to figure out what made me start breaking out about 6 months ago. I changed shampoo about the same time I quit smoking and promptly started to break out - attributed the acne to quiting smoking. After a few hundred dollars worth of skincare products, I found your article, switched back to my old shampoo and bingo! my skin almost immediately began to recover!

Thanks again! I am very grateful to have stumbled on your blog!

Phaedra said...

Glad I could help! More often than not, it's something we aren't thinking about that is causing our acne (or other) condition.

Congratulations as well on quitting smoking! Your skin - and lungs - will thank you!

Anonymous said...

Do you recommend any shampoos that don't cause break outs but are still good for your hair? I'm having that same problem with Pantene. I love what it does to my hair but im getting horrible break outs. I would love a shampoo that makes my hair look great and doesn't cause break outs.

Phaedra said...

Personally, I like Bumble & Bumble products. My favorite is the Seaweed Shampoo and Conditioner. It's good for almost any hair type and it's gentle enough to use on color treated hair.

You'll need to look for it in a salon -- you won't find it at a drug store or grocery store.

Let me know what you end up using!

Unknown said...

I've been having the same problem as a few other people on here. I've always had the occasional breakout, but for the past month I've had small bumps on my forehead and cheeks that won't go away. I started using a new shampoo, so when I saw your post I thought that might be the culprit. However, the new shampoo I started using was Bumble and Bumble's gentle shampoo....

I'm wondering if you have any other suggestions or any other shampoos that won't cause the bumps.


Phaedra said...

If you love Bumble & Bumble products, try the Seaweed Shampoo - it's "clear". You could also try washing your face after your hair. :)

Let me know how things work out!


Anonymous said...

Hi- I like these other women have experienced breakouts from different shampoos and conditioners. It occurs along my hair and jaw line and on my shoulders and back. I have been trying to find something good and price is no object at this point. I blow dry and flat iron my thin oily hair every. I need something that keeps it healthy without weighing it down. Some that I have tried that don't break me out are Paul Mitchell, Pantene and Nioxin but my hair was brittle and dry or weighed down and waxy feeling. I have tried Bumble & Bumble, Joico K-pak, and Aveda. I loved them all and my hair was so soft and healthy looking while I used it but I can't do that at the price of my skin... I have now switched to Aquage which doesn't seem to break me out, but my hair feels a little dry. Do you have any other recommedations?

Unknown said...

Thanks Phaedra!

My forehead has cleared and my cheeks are beginning to. I found that it's important to re-wash pillowcases and sheets once you change your shampoo, too....

Anonymous said...


In the past year I have recently had a terrible breakout on my cheeks only. I went to a dermatologist and they told me it was blackheads. I have been using ProActiv, but it only helped the first 2 weeks. Now my cheeks are having more frequent and larger pimples. I also use a mineral loose powder cover up. I have tried everything possible! I just switched to BioTera shamp/cond so I think that may be a slight cause in the increse of acne. I will not put the full blame on this because I was already having problems before I started using this new product. What do you recommend I do to clear my face?

Phaedra said...

First, if you love your new shampoo, try washing your face after you have shampooed and conditioned your hair, maybe after you get out of the shower. This will help to remove any residue left on your skin from the hair products.

Second, blackheads are clogged pores that usually require the use of some type of retinol to really clear things up. Any inflammed (red) pimples mean that your acne bacteria is now involved and you also need a product to help get the bacteria under control. If you're over the counter products aren't helping I would suggest a trip to the dermatologist. They can prescribe you some topical medications that can get you on the right track to having clear skin! There are a lot of different options and your doctor can evaluate your skin and decide what is best for you.

In the mean time remember not to rub and scrub too much at your face - you'll just cause additional irritation and inflammation. Be sure you are using non-comedogenic moisturizers and make up so you aren't adding to the problem. Try not to pick at the pimples either! This can lead to scaring!

I wish the the best of luck with you skin and if you have any questions after you visit the doctor, feel free to ask!

Anonymous said...

hey! i have a dsperate situation on my hands. i seem to be experiencing some trouble with shampoo and my skin. last summer i tried a mousturizing shampoo, which lead to major breakouts even though i was on acne medication. so my dermatologist gave me a stronger medication. however, even after i stopped using that shampoo and went back to my old kind when my skin was fine, i still had quite a few breakouts, especially compared to before the new shampoo.
eventually, i got my medications all figured out, and i started using only a clarifying shampoo, no conditioner, and that helped a little more. but i still always have a few extra bumps.
recently i read that many people may be allergic to the sulfates in shampoo, and that an organic shampoo would help. so, i tried a new completely organic shampoo as well as an organic body wash, and my breakouts seem to be getting worse.
do you have ANY advice that may be of any help to me?!?

Phaedra said...

Well, it sounds like you have discovered that some shampoos make your acne worse than others. Not knowing where your breakouts are, one thing that I would say is, if you are not breaking out on your back and/or shoulders (if it's just on your face), chances are that it's not your shampoo - the lather will run down your back and shoulders and cause the acne there as well as on your face (sometimes worse than on your face).

It's entirely possible that your acne flare ups are not related to your shampoo at all, but, are being caused by a possible hormone shift. It's normal for an acne condition to flare if there is a change in our hormone levels. Have you recently started and/or changed a birth control product?

Also, keep in mind, that acne is not an allergic reaction to a product. An allergic reaction is totally different than acne as it does not start with the plugging of your pores. An allergic reaction will not produce pimples. It may product small red bumps, but, those bumps will not be filled with sebum (oil) and dead skin cells as acne lesions are. Allergic reactions usually itch, too.

One sure fire way to tell if your shampoo is the cause of your troubles, is to wash your hair in the sink instead of the shower. This will keep any and all hair products from running over your shoulders and down your back. You'll need to stick to this routine for several weeks to determine if it is having an impact on your condition.

I hope some of this information helps you! If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

I don't have the severe issues some of your other peeps are having, but it's bad enough that I'd love to be rid of it!

I'm going to buy some bumble & bumble seaweed right now!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi there!!! i hav problem with my pimples and red marks in my face. i hav tired so many things but still its not working. plz give me some suggestion so that i can get rid of that, hope u'll help me out with this problem!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'm glad it's not just me that has issues with breakouts related to shampoo and conditioner. I can't figure out what chemicals I'm allergic to? The dermatologist just goes the easy route and wants to prescribe medications to help and not look into the cause. I KNOW it's from shampoo and conditioner. Could you please recommend a shampoo and conditioner that would most likely be safe? I can't seem to find anything that doesn't have some kind of sulfate in it or other harsh chemicals...

Anonymous said...

and sorry - I didn't mean "allergic". I meant clogging pores. :)

Anonymous said...

I have very bad acne on my sholdersw and back,and I have tried everthing under the sun to clear it up. When I found out that shampoo can cause breakouts I decided to see if switching shampoos would help. I will let you know if it does. Thanks alot!

Anonymous said...

do you know of any anti frizz products that would not cause breakouts?

Phaedra said...

Anti-frizz....hmmmm....well, since hair is not my forte I can only speak from personal experience. As you can tell from my earlier posts, I am a fan of Bumble & Bumble... I like their product called "Straight". I believe it's a silicone based product that you use to blow out your hair, but, I put it on my ends with they're frizzy and it works great - and it's not oily at all. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

thanks for sharing with us your skin care knowledge. I have been having acne problems on my forehead, jaw line, and shoulders/back all of a sudden starting last year. I've never had acne problems. Your blog helped me realize the ingrdients in Dove shampoo are what is causing my breakouts. I will go tomorrow to get bumble and bumble. I hope it works. I saw online it does sell in CVS and WALGREENS as well. :) Thanks so much

Unknown said...

Hello! Oh my gosh i have had this problem for years with breakouts on my back and shoulders and have always had really long hair that i wash everyday. There is absolutely no way i could wash the amount of hair i have in the sink so i doubt there is anyway i can avoid the runoff of suds from my hair...and i absolutely HAVE to wash my hair almost every single day because it is so oily prone! I never knew the ingredients that make products a pearly shade could break you out so maybe i will try to find something clear! I have had sensitive skin my entire life and have always had to use "free and clear" detergents so it makes sense to use a clear shampoo! I have also heard that products with "tea tree oil" can help body acne, and have tried a shampoo by "Jason" with it, but no results yet, probably bc i am still mixing back and forth between that and my regular shampoo and conditioner by pureology, which they have a pearly pink hue but no sulfates.I like my pureology for my hair bc it gives great volume for colored hair but im afraid it could be contributing to my breakouts. Basically i am just wondering if anyone knows of any sensitive skin friendly "clear" shampoos and conditioners that also create really good volume for hair? i dont want to give one thing up to help another i just would like a good balance and comprimise! :) And also im wondering if bc my hair gets super oily really fast that my skin could just be doing the same and maybe i could have just an overproduction of oil in my body and maybe my breakouts arent from my shampoos at all? but my face is usually not overly acne-riden, more so my shoulders and back than anything! (and yes i have tried every OTC acne bodywash there is too= NOTHING!)I aslo like clairifying shampoos to control my oily prone hair but they do not give enough volume bc my hair is also really long, thick and heavy. please help me with this dilemma i have been trying to figure it out for years! thanks! ~Megan

Phaedra said...


Well, let's cover a few things here....

First, one of my favorite shampoos that are "clear" is from Bumble & Bumble. It's called Seaweed Shampoo and it's gentle enough to use every day. They also make a Thickening Shampoo that is clear as well. Not being a hairdresser by trade, I will share with you some info that my hair guru told me - and that is - that you shouldn't shampoo your hair everyday. I know you said it gets oily, but why not try a hair powder in between shampoos? If you absolutely must wash you hair, try just using a little shampoo on your scalp.

Next - clogged pores are only one part of the acne issue. So, if you breakout on your back and not your face, changing shampoos can help, but you may need to use something to control the acne bacteria as well. Products with benzoyl peroxide can help (be careful as they can bleach your clothes). One product that I like is from VMV Hypoallergenics. It's called "id sweat acne and overall anti-bacterial monolaurin gel" - it's a long name, but that's what it's called. Your long hair could make your back sweaty and cause some bacteria growth, contributing to your breakouts.

Try changing your shampoo and hair-washing frequency and maybe wear your hair off your back for a little while and see if it helps.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes!
