Saturday, December 1, 2012

AVON Gets Warned By The FDA

Cosmetics are not regulated by the FDA, drugs are.  Why then, is AVON on the radar?  Well, cosmetic companies can not make claims that describe their products as drugs.  Drugs are "intended to affect the structure or any function of the human body."  In it's marketing AVON claims that it's Anew Clinical Advanced Wrinkle Corrector is "the at-home answer to wrinkle-filling injections" and that it can "start rebuilding collagen in just 48 hours."  The FDA has given AVON 15 days to start correcting the violation or contest the warning.

Why is this important to you, dear reader?  Because I want you to pay attention to all that advertising when you are choosing what products to put on your skin.  If a company is making claims that seem too good to be true, they probably are.  Products that could really change the way your cells behave would be considered drugs and would be regulated by the FDA.

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