Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Several States Considering Tanning Ban for Teens!

The American Academy of Dermatology as well as USA Today are reporting that 18 state are considering a ban on tanning for people under the age of 18.  Five additional states are considering increasing regulation, such as requiring parental consent.  According to the AAD, "30 million people, including 2.3 million teens, use indoor tanning devices each year."  Dr. Ron Moy of the AAD states, "Indoor tanning is undeniably link to increased risk of developing skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest form, with effects being more severe for those who tan at a young age."

The Danbury News Times is reporting that a Connecticut bill "proposes a ban on people 18 and younger from tanning salons without parental consent."  Tanning salons can be fined for allowing underage children to tan without parental consent, under the proposed bill.

Currently, California is the only state with a complete ban on indoor tanning for minors.  Way to go California!!

1 comment:

ENV Nicole said...

Such an important issue. Young adults have no idea how much damage they will do to their skin. When they are adults they will make themselves crazy trying to reverse it.